6 Advantages Of Using Inconel 718 Bolts

6 Advantages Of Using Inconel 718 Bolts

Inconel 718 bolts provide exceptional strength and corrosion resistance, ideal for extreme environments, supporting prolonged structural integrity with minimal maintenance. Their durability ensures reliability across various industrial applications

High Tensile Strength

Inconel 718 bolts are known for their outstanding tensile strength, up to and often exceeding 180,000 psi. As such, they are highly resilient to both typical and extreme stresses, making them a superior option for aerospace, marine, and chemical processing applications that demand optimal structural support. The product’s key benefits include:

Corrosion resistance

While standard materials readily corrode when exposed to saltwater, acids, and other harsh chemicals, Inconel 718 remains structurally unaffected. Consequently, it retains its longevity and functionality when utilized in assembly activities involving highly corrosive substances.

High temperature stability

While some materials degrade in high temperatures, Inconel 718 bolts retain their mechanical integrity even when exposed to temperatures as high as 1300°F. For that reason, they remain the optimal solution for applications in jet engines and turbine blades, where elevated heat levels are a constant factor.

Creep resistance

The capacity for Inconel 718 bolts to maintain their shape and strength for prolonged periods of time even under high-stress conditions is an essential benefit. This feature makes them a viable option for utilization in nuclear reactors and gas turbines, which depend on consistently high operating temperatures.


Despite their many benefits, Inconel 718 bolts remain highly easy to fabricate. They may be welded and machined with exceptional efficiency, making them a superior solution for complicated assemblies that require accurate dimensions.

Fatigue resistance

Unlike standard options, Inconel 718 products are designed to resist fatigue. When assemblies are subjected to cyclical loads, especially in applications such as aircraft landing gear and motorsport products, the material’s durability guarantees extended product lifespan.

Economic efficiency

While initial pricing may be higher than other products, the longevity and reduced maintenance requirements of Inconel 718 quickly make it the more exceptional and economically advantageous solution. With lower needs for replacements and maintenance, assemblies based on this material do not require frequent replacements and provide minimal downtime.

Inconel 718 Hex and Stud Bolts

Corrosion Resistance

Inconel 718 bolts resist oxidation and corrosion, which is, without a doubt, one of the most attractive benefits of the corresponding product. In other words, the tools are not prone to multiple types of corrosion, including pitting, crevice, and stress ones. The primary reason for their non-corrosive property is the amount of nickel-chromium contained in the bolt: additional protection is formed on the surface of the product due to the passivation process, making it difficult to spoil the material even when the product is exposed for a long time.

Reaction to Saltwater

It needs to be noted that the high performance of the product extends to saltwater, which makes the tools one of the best options in terms of corrosive resistance. Many maritime structures and naval tools like ladders and marine mooring equipment use the tools, as there are no severe harmful effects that the water can produce on the screws. Indeed, under all circumstances, the abilities of the tools do not worsen, creating no damage.

Reaction to Acid

The level of durability demonstrated according to the aggressive actions of saltwater can also be applied to the acidic type. Keeping in mind the ability to withstand the corrosive impacts of sulfuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acid, the tools can also be used in the process tools at chemical plants where the tools will prevent leaks. Moreover, even in the new process tools to which the aggressive liquids are added, the low corrosion rate is not a disadvantage but is considered a benefit as the performance of the Inconel 718 bolt is reliable.

Reaction to High Sulfur

Finally, the falls of the sulfur amount in equipment in which the petroleum refining processes take place can also be used to evaluate the tool. In other words, the ability to be resistant to such a level that the tools are not susceptible to sulfidation and spoilage is beneficial as lesser tools used in these conditions are prone to depreciation at a highly-accelerated speed. In such conditions, there are only a handful of instruments that can be used due to the premises above, and the Inconel bolt is one of them.

Temperature Resistance of Bolts

Inconel 718 bolts are considered to be one of the most valuable types of fasteners because of their exceptional temperature resistance. They can preserve their structural properties even when exposed to constant heat extremes. Their maximum operational temperature is 1300°F (704°C), making them applicable to jet engines, power plants, and other facilities where high-heat exposure is possible.

Stability under Thermal Cycling

One of the unique features of these bolts is the fact that they preserve their stability under thermal cycling conditions. They can endure an extensive amount of temperature shifts without decreasing their strength or becoming brittle. It is an essential feature for the aerospace and automotive industry, where contrasting thermal stress is an integrated part of the operational program.

Cryogenic Temperature Performance

Inconel 718 bolts can also preserve their properties in cryogenic temperatures, remaining ductile and tough even at -423°F (-253°C). Cryogenic temperature performance is crucial for space and LNG operations, meaning that materials need to maintain their high operating properties even when exposed to the lowest temperatures.

Reduced Rate of Thermal Expansion

Another critical characteristic of these bolts is the fact that they feature a lower rate of thermal expansion compared to other kinds of metal. A lower rate of thermal expansion means that clearances and alignment of each part stay tight and constant during temperature changes, preventing performance deviations or mechanical failures because of misalignment.

Extended Longevity

Finally, one of the main reasons why Inconel 718 bolts are considered to be more suitable for high-temperature operations is their increased longevity. Moreover, longevity is not only characterized by the ability to withstand heat exposure, but also the capacity to retain high tensile strength and an additional level of corrosion resistance over long periods, which reduces the expense of operations because of the lower level of demanding maintenance requirements.

Inconel 718 Fasteners Manufacturer

High Creep Resistance

Inconel 718 bolts are mostly superior in terms of their high creep resistance. This property is central to ensuring that assemblies retain their integrity under prolonged high-stress, high-temperature conditions. As a result, these bolts can maintain their shapes and resist deformation over time even when subjected to stresses close to their yield strength reaching up to 1200°F or 650°C. The following is a growing list of reasons Inconel 718 bolts outstanding compete with other types of bolts.

Applications in Aerospace

The high creep resistance of these bolts is advantageous in aerospace applications, where materials and instruments may be cycled in and out of the atmosphere. Upon re-entry, they are subjected to temperatures and stresses that can compromise their dimensional stability and mechanical properties. However, Inconel 718 bolts can maintain their shapes and resist deformation and creep even after many service cycles under high temperatures and stresses.

Power Generation

Inconel 718 bolts make important contributions to numerous power generation facilities, such as nuclear reactors and gas turbines. Their long-term resistance to high temperatures and pressures across time and many circuits is the property ensuring the reliability and safety of these instruments.

Engine Components

In the same vein, high creep resistance is crucial for the performance of engine components, including turbine blades and exhaust systems. These instruments must be composed of materials that retain their strengths and shapes at operating temperatures, which Inconel 718 can achieve.

Long-Term Durability and Safety

The advantages of Inconel 718’s high creep resistance are the outstanding long-term durability and safety of the material. The frequency of maintenance and the total lifecycle costs significantly decrease over time due to decreased risks of catastrophic failures.

Inconel 718 Bolts

Antioxidant Capacity

The primary advantage of Inconel 718 bolts is their strong antioxidant capacity that allows them to avoid oxidation even at high temperatures. This feature is critical, as such applications also present high oxidative pressure, which requires the use of a reliable bolt. The oxidizing resistance is provided by the nickel-chromium alloy, which forms an effective and stable protective oxide layer on the bolt’s surface.

Performance in Oxidizing Environments

The antioxidants in Inconel 718 bolts are highly efficient in oxidizing environments, where less resistant materials will rapidly oxidize. This characteristic is beneficial for applications such as jet engines and power plants, where they may be exposed to high temperatures and oxidative gases.

Longevity and Efficiency

The high degree of resistance to oxidation in Inconel 718 bolts is a prominent factor in their longevity. These bolts oxidize at a greatly reduced rate, allowing them to be functional for an extended period of time without maintenance. Consequently, the frequency and duration of replacements are reduced by the bolts’ win resistance to oxidation.

Safety and Reliability

Inconel 718 bolts are significantly safer and more reliable because of their resistance to oxidation. If they were not capable of resisting oxidation, they would be put under high pressure to perform faster, which can have negative consequences for the equipment that uses them. For instance, a bolt can corrode beneath the surface and lose structural properties, resulting in catastrophic damage to the structure.

Operational Range

The capacity of Inconel 718 bolts to resist oxidation and perform consistently is beneficial in a wide range of temperatures and conditions. In industrial heat and sudden spikes, such bolts are equally operational and are safe for use.

Easy to Manufacture

Inconel 718 bolts are surprisingly easy to manufacture given their extraordinary performance. Their open producibility is explained by the beginning ease of machining with their high weldability and great machinability: shaping and sizing Inconel 718 with standard industrial processes is simple, allowing for the easy and efficient production of standard and custom Inconel 718 bolts.


Despite their high strength and toughness, Inconel 718 bolts can be effectively machined using standard methods if proper tooling and cooling panels are used. This implies that complex bolt shapes can be produced without compromising on the material’s property.


Inconel 718 bolts offer superior weldability, forming high-strength welds that provide the same performance as the rest of the material. Many applications may require multiple components to be assembled into a single unit; hence, the quality of welding is crucial to the longevity of this design.


Due to the high weldability of Inconel 718 bolts, they can be easily customized to meet the needs of a certain industry. As a result, the functional requirements of the application are effectively translated into the changes in the final product.

Cost-Effectiveness of Production

The open producibility of Inconel 718 bolts answers to cost-effectiveness. These bolts imply reduced costs in the production or customization process due to reduced machining times and a high degree of yield when using standard equipment. It means that Inconel 718 bolts are a low-cost solution for the functionality they provide for many industries, from aerospace to chemical processing.

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